Give TLC December

It’s wonderful to see how much is going into the community through our donors.

Tonbridge Town Team and Tonbridge School and public donations have funded £1,000 of TLC vouchers to add to Tonbridge Lions Club Christmas hampers, which go to deserving individuals and families in the community.

Sustain, FEAST and Tonbridge Welcomes Refugees have each received £85 to give to people they support, thanks to public donations and to South Tonbridge WI for their gift of £300.

Tonbridge School have purchased £2,500 of vouchers to distribute through their own community outreach programmes.

All of this activity will bring smiles to people this Christmas, and will help to see our local stores through this winter.

The economic fallout of the pandemic will be with us for many months, so if you are in a position to donate, your contribution is very much appreciated!



Rollover Draw!


Give TLC October 2020