Tonbridge Lions Classic Car Tour
Tonbridge Lions Club will be holding their seventh Classic Car Tour on Sunday 18th July 2021. The tour has no competitive element and is intended as an opportunity for owners of pre-2000 cars to tour through the picturesque lanes and villages of Kent and Sussex. Younger interesting cars will be allowed at the organisers’ discretion.
Tonbridge Lions Club spokesman Mike Edwards said “Although the day has been designed for two people in each car, additional persons may be carried (for an additional fee). Participants will be given an easy to follow Road Book to take them along a carefully designed and well researched route. Starting with coffee at the start the tour will travel through the beautiful countryside of Kent and Sussex to PowderMills Hotel, Battle, East Sussex TN33 0SP for lunch. The cars then wind their way back to Tonbridge where a well-earned afternoon cream tea will be served. The event has been designed to show the beauty of the Kent and Sussex countryside and villages, while also allowing entrants to see some other interesting vehicles and talk to the owners”.
All proceeds from the event will be donated to Local Charities and good causes.
Full details and entry forms are on the Club Website at